Practical Approaches to Sustainability and Equality in Latin America

Spring Term

Practical Approaches to Sustainability and Equality in Latin America

Spring Term

Practical Approaches to Sustainability and Equality in Latin America

Spring Term

Practical Approaches to Sustainability and Equality in Latin America

Spring Term

ICDS, with Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, provides students the opportunity to learn about sustainable development and equality in Latin America through an immersive program of coursework, community service, field study trips, and cultural activities. By exploring ideas and experiences in Latin America to reach sustainability and social justice, students will acquire more in-depth knowledge of these topics while developing cultural awareness through exposure and immersion into the Costa Rican way of life.  

The service-learning core course includes weekly sessions of community service in and around the greater San Jose area. ICDS maintains a large network of community and nonprofit partnerships to allow students a window into the real lives of Costa Ricans. Each student is individually matched to a community work site that aligns with their experience, career interest, and Spanish language level.

Students will also have the opportunity to take electives with a different focus, such as sustainable tourism, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development, as well as human rights and the plight of migrants in the Americas.

In addition, students will be able to improve their Spanish language skills through courses at all different levels, as well as immerse themselves by living with local families in the homestay program. ICDS complements each program with enriching cultural activities and field trips that highlight the culture and history of the country. From the classroom, to community work, and to extra-curricular activities, students will have the opportunity to interact with locals, engage with the culture, and experience the pura vida lifestyle that the world has come to know and love of Costa Rica.

Course Offering

Core courses:

  • Community Engagement and Sustainable Human Development in Latin America
  • Spanish Language (all levels)

Elective courses:

  • Human Rights, Migration, and Social Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Responsible and Sustainable Tourism
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Private Partnerships


Late March-mid June


Minimum 2.75 GPA

One year of college Spanish or equivalent

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