Faculty-Led and Customized Programs

Customized Programs

Faculty-Led and Customized Programs

Customized Programs

Faculty-Led and Customized Programs

Customized Programs

Take advantage of ICDS ́ experience, its extensive network of local affiliate organizations, and the expertise of its dedicated staff and faculty and work with them to mold the experience and shape the curriculum, community service, field experiences, and eco-adventure(s) into everything that you want your students’ experience to be.

The ICDS team not only helped me create a program that exactly fit my vision and the needs of my students, but also ensured that we were all well taken care of and that we had experiences that will last a lifetime.

The warmth, expertise, flexibility, creativity, and professionalism of ICDS made the entire process of providing my students with a meaningful and life-changing experience possible.

Elizabeth Robinson, P.hD
Suffolk University

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